Van Fuller

Van Fuller

Executive Director
Mid-Bay Bridge Authority

Van Fuller is the Executive Director of the Mid-Bay Bridge Authority. As such, he serves as the chief administrative and technical authority for the Mid-Bay Bridge Authority’s Transportation System and is directly responsible to the Mid-Bay Bridge Authority Board to provide a safe, convenient, and economical transportation system within available resources; while planning for future improvements to meet the needs of its customers and the motoring public in Okaloosa County. The Authority was created by Florida legislation in 1986 as a dependent special district of Okaloosa County for the purpose of planning, constructing, building, and maintaining a bridge traversing Choctawhatchee Bay. Along with connecting roads, the infrastructure provided by the Authority is critical to economic development and emergency evacuation. Van joined the Mid-Bay Bridge Authority subsequent to serving as the Deputy Secretary for Engineering, South Carolina Department of Transportation. He retired from the Air Force after serving 30-years as a career civil engineer officer. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from The Citadel and received a Masters in Public Administration Degree from Troy State University.

Executive Director
Mid-Bay Bridge Authority

Representing Mid-Bay Bridge Authority

P: 850-897-1428
